We welcome Master Rich Parsons to the show. A student of both Grandmaster Remy Presas and Balintawak Grandmaster Ted Buot. Master Rich shares some great stories and tells us about what his is doing today and in 2016.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Listen Live!
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Datu Tim Hartman - Balintawak Special - eskrima kali escrima arnis
Mark and John are joined by Datu Tim Hartman. Datu Tim was one of the original co-hosts of FMA Talk live. He shares his experience in Balintawak and talks about his new program Astig Balintawak.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Monday, November 30, 2015
A very Bahad Zu'Bu special - Eskrima escrima kali arnis
Mark, Federico are joined by their good friend and student from Los Angeles Cutler to talk about Bahad Zu'bu. They get into some of the nuts and bolts of the art, why they train it and other banter.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Why are you not fighting in tournaments? - eskrima, arnis, kali escrima
This week we chat about some of our recent tournament experiences and Francis from the GSBA joins us!
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
FMA Business 101 - Marketing your FMA School - Eskrima arnis escrima kali
This week we have a special guest, our good friend Guro Neil Buzick whom after spending 3 years training FMA in
the Philippines opened a commercial school and went from 0 to140 students
in a year. Grab a pen and paper and check out this episode for some
great tips on how to grow or refine your student base and market your
FMA school. If you want to reach Guro Neil with questions check out his webpage at http://www.risingsunjupiter.com/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
FMA guys enter a boxing tournament?? !!Caution Audio is poor!! - Eskrima arnis escrima kali
Mark and Fred talk about their experience training for the Ringside World Championship boxing tournament. We apologize for the audio, we recorded on the road.
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Monday, August 17, 2015
GSBA Stickfighting regionals and nationals are coming soon! - eskrima escrima kali arnis
Get the scoop on how to compete in the GSBA Midwest Regional tournament and Nationals! We also learn where the world championship will be held...it's going to be awesome!
Francis Serrano joins us to answer every question you have about stick-fighting in major competition.
Francis Serrano joins us to answer every question you have about stick-fighting in major competition.
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro
Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Are you ready for a fight? Today? Right now? - Eskrima escrima arnis kali
We chat about FMA preparedness, fitness and keeping in fighting shape for Filipino Martial Arts. Are you ready for a fight? Today? Right now?
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Monday, June 8, 2015
Is your ancient martial art lineage a work of fiction? - eskrima arnis escrima kali
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
Subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Eskrima for Self Defense - Kali escrima arnis
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo of Amara Arkanis Arnis, head of the Mataw Guro association, and forthcoming Tambuli Media Author
Coming up this week we are excited to have Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo of Amara Arkanis Arnis, head of the Mataw Guro association, and forthcoming Tambuli Media Author. Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo is one of the best known and renowned Filipino martial arts instructors in the world. A captain in the Philippine Air Force Reserves, he has received several awards from martial arts organizations including Grandmaster of the Year Award of the Filipino Fighting Arts (2003), and Excellence Award in the Preservation of the Martial Arts (2004). He has helped train elite Filipino officers as chief defensive tactics instructor of the Headquarters, Philippine Integrated National Police Training Command, and National Capital Regional Training Center at Fort Bonifacio, chief unarmed combat instructor of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and chief combat instructor of the 1st Air Division and the 304th Security Squadron of the Philippine Air Force. Through years of martial arts experience he has created his own form of Filipino martial arts which he called Amara Arkanis. He is also the founder and head of the Mataw Guro Association, a group dedicated to ensuring the quality and propagation of quality Filipino Martial Art's educators. Finally, on top of all these accomplishments, Mataw Guruo Louelle Lledo is also an author, and will soon be the latest author to join and publish through Tambuli Media.
For more information about Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo or Tambuli Media check out:
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
For more information about Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo or Tambuli Media check out:
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Guro David Gould - Author of the latest Tambuli Media Release - Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar Sulite - escrima kali arnis
Coming up this week we are excited to have author Guro David Gould. David E. Gould has been training in the Martial Arts since 1977 but he is best known for his association with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite and the Lameco Eskrima System. He was the last Instructor certified by Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite in the Lameco Eskrima System on July 28, 1996 as well as being one of the recognized Standard Bearers of the System who was appointed directly to that position by Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite in 1996. As well as being a long time private student of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, David E. Gould was also one of 25 exclusive handpicked members of PG Sulite`s private “backyard” invitation only group which later became known as the “Sulite Orehenal Group”. David E. Gould has conducted hundreds of Lameco Eskrima Seminars in numerous countries around the world and also teaches Elite Military and Law Enforcement.
We will be discussing his latest book, released by Tambuli Media, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy. Broken down into 10 distinct chapters, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar G. Sulite, shows the evolution of a fighter and his art, from the early years of training in Tacloban City and Ozamis City, with legendary masters to the founding of Lameco Eskrima and Sulite’s meeting in Manila of such notable figures as Christopher Ricketts, Tony Diego and Tatang Ilustrisimo. Chapter 4 discusses the writing of Sulite’s three classic books, his world tour and challenge matches. This is followed by chapters on Sulite’s relocation to Los Angeles, the spread of his art internationally, and his invitation-only backyard class. The late Punong Guro used to say that one must try their best to get a collective understanding, a complete image of a person by looking into all available sources. This book, and these last chapters, provides such insights and exposure found nowhere else.
For more information about Guro David Gould, his book, or Tambuli Media check out: http://www.tambulimedia.com/eskrima-books/lameco-eskrima/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
We will be discussing his latest book, released by Tambuli Media, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy. Broken down into 10 distinct chapters, Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar G. Sulite, shows the evolution of a fighter and his art, from the early years of training in Tacloban City and Ozamis City, with legendary masters to the founding of Lameco Eskrima and Sulite’s meeting in Manila of such notable figures as Christopher Ricketts, Tony Diego and Tatang Ilustrisimo. Chapter 4 discusses the writing of Sulite’s three classic books, his world tour and challenge matches. This is followed by chapters on Sulite’s relocation to Los Angeles, the spread of his art internationally, and his invitation-only backyard class. The late Punong Guro used to say that one must try their best to get a collective understanding, a complete image of a person by looking into all available sources. This book, and these last chapters, provides such insights and exposure found nowhere else.
For more information about Guro David Gould, his book, or Tambuli Media check out: http://www.tambulimedia.com/eskrima-books/lameco-eskrima/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Grandmaster Dan Medina - Author of the latest Tambuli Media Release - The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima - kali arnis escrima
Coming up this week we are excited to have author and Grandmaster Dan Medina. Grandmaster Dan Medina was first introduced to martial arts with a combination of Judo and the Navy Seal Quick-Kill method. He joined the Black Masters Sphinx Karate Clan of the Philippines, and discovered the art of Arnis 63 Generals. In 1978, he joined Philippine Martial Arts Studio and studied with Shihan Raynaldo Gingco a Kyokushin and Kuntaw Instructor.
In 1980, he became a student of Grandmaster Narrie Babao learning the arts of Arnis Batangas and Kuntao. 1984 to 86, Medina, mastered the Ocho system and Modern Arnis Ernesto Presas Style under the tutelage of Philip Pabalinas. In 1986, Dan Medina moved to Hawaii and became a disciple of Great Grandmaster Braulio T. Pedoy and his son, Batikan Eduardo J. Pedoy.
Currently, Dan is the founder and Grand Master of Majapai Derobio and Rajah (6th Degree Red & White belt), Florida V.P. for Sphinx Karate & Arnis 63 Generals. With a 3rd Dan in Kobudo and has received a Doctorate for his contributions to the Martial Arts, he also holds an honorary Black Belt for his contributions to the art of Kajukembo by Grand Master Sam Allred .
From 2001to present G.M. Medina has been inducted into the International Karate and Kickboxing Hall of Fame, Eastern USA International Blackbelt Hall of Fame, Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Honors and World Head of Family Sokeship Council hall of Fame. In 2014 Grandmaster Dan Medina has been nominated as a Legendary Figure in the Martial Arts by W.H.F.S.C as well as a Nomination to the Masters Hall of Fame.
We will be discussing his latest book, released by Tambuli Media, The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima. In The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima Grandmaster Dan Medina will take you on a journey into the lives and history of two of Leyte’s Legendary Men. One was considered to be one of the Philippines most dangerous rebels, a leader of the Pulahan Movement and later a patriot. General Faustino Ablen (aka Papa Ablen). The other was his disciple, Grandmaster Braulio Tomada Pedoy, who is not only be remembered for his kindness, physical and spiritual healing, but also for his great ability in Filipino martial arts. In this book Dan Medina sheds light into the deadliness of this bone and joint crushing art.
The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima is the first look into this amazing battle tested art of Derobio Escrima. Not only does it take you through the basics of Derobio Escrima, it also gives you a glimpse into inner workings of countering. This book is written with the student in mind and will take you beyond the basics. It’s designed to walk you through the principles and theories behind striking, blocking, counter attacks and locks. Of great interest is the counter to counter movement of Derobio Escrima, which sets this art apart from other arts. It’s like the standup grappling of the Filipino martial arts with weapons. It teaches you how to move with the opponent’s force, taking and using their energy and flow against them. The stick locks which have made this system famous will make you want to jump out of your skin.
For more information about Grandmaster Dan Medina, his book, or Tambuli Media check out: http://www.tambulimedia.com/eskrima-books/derobio-escrima/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
In 1980, he became a student of Grandmaster Narrie Babao learning the arts of Arnis Batangas and Kuntao. 1984 to 86, Medina, mastered the Ocho system and Modern Arnis Ernesto Presas Style under the tutelage of Philip Pabalinas. In 1986, Dan Medina moved to Hawaii and became a disciple of Great Grandmaster Braulio T. Pedoy and his son, Batikan Eduardo J. Pedoy.
Currently, Dan is the founder and Grand Master of Majapai Derobio and Rajah (6th Degree Red & White belt), Florida V.P. for Sphinx Karate & Arnis 63 Generals. With a 3rd Dan in Kobudo and has received a Doctorate for his contributions to the Martial Arts, he also holds an honorary Black Belt for his contributions to the art of Kajukembo by Grand Master Sam Allred .
From 2001to present G.M. Medina has been inducted into the International Karate and Kickboxing Hall of Fame, Eastern USA International Blackbelt Hall of Fame, Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Honors and World Head of Family Sokeship Council hall of Fame. In 2014 Grandmaster Dan Medina has been nominated as a Legendary Figure in the Martial Arts by W.H.F.S.C as well as a Nomination to the Masters Hall of Fame.
We will be discussing his latest book, released by Tambuli Media, The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima. In The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima Grandmaster Dan Medina will take you on a journey into the lives and history of two of Leyte’s Legendary Men. One was considered to be one of the Philippines most dangerous rebels, a leader of the Pulahan Movement and later a patriot. General Faustino Ablen (aka Papa Ablen). The other was his disciple, Grandmaster Braulio Tomada Pedoy, who is not only be remembered for his kindness, physical and spiritual healing, but also for his great ability in Filipino martial arts. In this book Dan Medina sheds light into the deadliness of this bone and joint crushing art.
The Secret Art of Derobio Escrima is the first look into this amazing battle tested art of Derobio Escrima. Not only does it take you through the basics of Derobio Escrima, it also gives you a glimpse into inner workings of countering. This book is written with the student in mind and will take you beyond the basics. It’s designed to walk you through the principles and theories behind striking, blocking, counter attacks and locks. Of great interest is the counter to counter movement of Derobio Escrima, which sets this art apart from other arts. It’s like the standup grappling of the Filipino martial arts with weapons. It teaches you how to move with the opponent’s force, taking and using their energy and flow against them. The stick locks which have made this system famous will make you want to jump out of your skin.
For more information about Grandmaster Dan Medina, his book, or Tambuli Media check out: http://www.tambulimedia.com/eskrima-books/derobio-escrima/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Grandmaster Sam Buot Author of the Latest Release From Tambuli Media, the book Balintawak Eskrima - Kali escrima arnis FMA
Coming up this week we are excited to have author and Grandmaster Sam Buot Sr. Grandmaster Sam Buot, Sr., born March 24, 1936, is a lawyer and businessman, a graduate of Silliman University in the Philippines. He was a broker, appraiser, investor and developer, who engaged in real estate both in the Philippines and the USA. Buot was active in the Realtors Board, serving as three-term president of the Cebu Realtors Board and rising to become national president of the Philippines Association of Realtors Boards at age 37. He was active in civic clubs and served as Lieutenant Governor of Philippine Kiwanis and was one of the founders and charter members of Queen City Lions Club and later as of the Metro Cebu Rotary Club.
Buot is an enthusiast of Philippine Martial Arts – Arnis/Eskrima/Kali, and has served as unofficial historian of the Balintawak Eskrima style having studied under the tutelage of Grandmaster Venancio Bacon, Jose Villasin, Teofilo Velez and Teddy Buot since the late 1950s. Buot has received several awards for his involvements including the Outstanding Alumnus Award from his alma mater Silliman University and the Golden Life Achievement Award by the World Head of Family Sokeship Council, a worldwide martial arts grandmaster’s council. At 78, Sam is now retired and teaches eskrima in his backyard in Phoenix, Arizona.
We will be discussing his latest book, released by Tambuli Media, Balintawak Eskrima. Written from the author’s half-century of personal experience and hard-earned knowledge, Balintawak Eskrima presents the art from origin to modern times, as a fighting art, as cultural tradition and a means of personal development. Illustrated with nearly 700 historical and instructional photographs, this book is a must-have for all martial artists and those interested in the history of a people and their fight art.
For more information about Grandmaster Sam Buot, his book, or Tambuli Media check out: http://www.tambulimedia.com/eskrima-books/balintawak-eskrima/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Buot is an enthusiast of Philippine Martial Arts – Arnis/Eskrima/Kali, and has served as unofficial historian of the Balintawak Eskrima style having studied under the tutelage of Grandmaster Venancio Bacon, Jose Villasin, Teofilo Velez and Teddy Buot since the late 1950s. Buot has received several awards for his involvements including the Outstanding Alumnus Award from his alma mater Silliman University and the Golden Life Achievement Award by the World Head of Family Sokeship Council, a worldwide martial arts grandmaster’s council. At 78, Sam is now retired and teaches eskrima in his backyard in Phoenix, Arizona.
We will be discussing his latest book, released by Tambuli Media, Balintawak Eskrima. Written from the author’s half-century of personal experience and hard-earned knowledge, Balintawak Eskrima presents the art from origin to modern times, as a fighting art, as cultural tradition and a means of personal development. Illustrated with nearly 700 historical and instructional photographs, this book is a must-have for all martial artists and those interested in the history of a people and their fight art.
For more information about Grandmaster Sam Buot, his book, or Tambuli Media check out: http://www.tambulimedia.com/eskrima-books/balintawak-eskrima/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Monday, March 30, 2015
Is Limb Destruction Bulls**t? and Fred crashes the Legendary Wild Card - Eskrima - Arnis - Escrima - Kali
This week we chat about limb destruction in FMA empty hand fighting and Fred tells us his tale of daring do as he attempts to work out at the legendary Wild Card gym while Pac Man there conducting his training camp for the Mayweather fight May 2nd.
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Did FMA make western boxing invincible? - eskrima kali escrima arnis
This week we chat about the Filipino influence in boxing. Also Francis Serrano joins us again to chat about the Western regional tournament for GSBA. Free spectators and only one price for early birds! Listen for details.
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Monday, March 2, 2015
Pacquiao vs Mayweather and the warring history of the Philippines - eskrima, arnis, escrima, kali
We chat about the upcoming Super-fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather. We also discuss the influence, if any, that past wars in the Philippines have had on Filipino Martial Arts.
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
Thursday, February 19, 2015
FMATalk Live wants to talk to you LA
Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat / FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
If you listened to the latest podcast, you know that coming this March, FMATalk Live Host Federico Malibago will be in the LA area for one week only, and he wants to talk to YOU!!!!!!! Sage Grandmaster who has contributed amazing things to FMA, I want to talk to YOU!!!!! Hard working earnest teacher, dedicated to teaching quality FMA, I want to talk to YOU!!!!! Dedicated FMA practitioner who trains hard as much as they can, , I want to talk to YOU!!!!! Irate FMATalk Live listener who is just really wants to beat me up, well you sure can but afterwards I want to talk to YOU!!!!! New to the art, yesterday was your first introduction to FMA, , I want to talk to YOU!!!!!
All joking aside, if you want to meet up, play, and/or chat/record an episode please feel free to message me, Federico Malibago, on FB or our BZ LA rep Cutler Dozier on Facebook and we can figure something out.
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/ http://www.meetup.com/vikingcombat
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
GSBA and training in Norway - eskrima arnis kali escrima
We chat with Francis Serrano about the upcoming GSBA Judges an Referee training and Guro John Bednarski gives us the lowdown on training in Norway
Our hosts will be Guro Federico Malibago, Guro John Bednarski, Guro Mark Basel and anyone else we can convince to join in on the madness.
Listen to this show live and streaming this Sunday at 8 PM Central Standard time at: http://mixlr.com/fmatalklive
This show is sponsored by http://philippinecombatarts.com http://bahadzubu.org/
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